Briefmarken-Sammlung/stamp collection "PHILIPPINEN"
PHILIPPINES1935 - 1946here all stamps 1938 - 1946
1938-1940 stamps issue 1935-2-15 with overprint COMMONWEALTH in small letters
1938-1940 official business stamps - overprint O.B. und COMMONWEALTH in small letters
1939-4-27 special delivery stamp
1939-7-5 1st. foreign trade week; stamps issue 1925, 1935 and 1937 with overprint and new value
1939-11-15 4th. anniversary founding of the Commonwealth (1st. issue)
1939-11-15 4th. anniversary founding of the Commonwealth (2nd. issue)
1940-2-8 4th. aniversary founding of the Commonwealth (3rd. issue)
1945-1-19 stamps issue 1938/1940 with additional overprint VICTORY
1945-5-1 more stamps issue 1938/1940 with overprint VICTORY
normal stamp issue and the same as official business stamp with overprint O.B.
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